
Jul 23, 2023

Darkness Expansion

Updated: Apr 6

This addon adds creatures and items with the theme of darkness.

All items that are not obtained in the crafting table are dropped from mobs.

Darkened: Drop Darkened Flesh & Dark Heart

Spawns in negative layers and in the dark dungeon

Dark Phantasm: Drop Dark Eye & Dark Essence

Spawns in negative layers and in the dark dungeon

Blizzard: Drop Black Blizzard Essence

Spawns in the dark dungeon

Darkened Flesh in furnace = Dark Essence

Dark Compass: Shows all mobs in a radius of 50 blocks

Dark Eye: Your vision will be dark and limited when you use this item, but you will gain strength and speed for a few seconds

Dark Heart: High Regeneration Level for 5 seconds

Darkness Staff: Shoots Black Blizzard projectile

Penumbra: A shadow that transforms into any tool

Penumbra Magic: It does the same thing as the ordinary penumbra, with a single difference. It automatically enchants the transformed items with the best enchantments.

Dark Dungeon: It has a chance of showing up in the negative layers, it's not that easy to find, but it's also not that hard to find. In the Dark Dungeon you will have a chest hidden behind many obsidians, your mission is to break them all, open the chest and get the penumbra. The only way to get penumbra is the Dark Dungeon
