Minho 🪶

Mar 16


🔮✨ Waystones Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.70x (Unofficial)

Creator - @Minho

This add-on adds Waystones to your game, stones that are capable of teleporting you to any place or dimension, in return, it consumes a little experience levels.


Waystone System:

You can obtain Waystones in two ways, finding it in a structure, or crafting it on the crafting table.

Andesite Waystone Altar:

Can be found in: Forests, Savannas, Cherry Forest, Taiga and Stone Peaks. (It's not rare, but it's not common either).

Sandstone Waystone Altar:

Can be found in: Deserts (Not rare, but not common either).

Mossy Waystone Altar:

Can be found in: Jungles and Swamps (Not rare, but not common either).

Or you can craft them:



Sharestones are a shared teleportation method, so everyone who has one of the same color will have access to registered teleportation points of the respective color, without the need to find them first.

You can make it with different dyes:



Warp Stone

Interacting with Warp Stone gives you access to the Waystones you have, in a practical way, but it doesn't come cheap, it takes 150 seconds for you to be able to teleport again.

Warp Scroll

By interacting with Warp Scroll you have access to the Waystones you have, in a practical way, but this is not cheap, unlike the Warp Stone, it is not reusable, when teleporting it is consumed.

XP Consume System:

Greater than 1,000 blocks away = 1 XP

Greater than 2,000 blocks away = 2 XP

Greater than 3,000 blocks away, or Different Dimensions = 3 XP