
May 25, 2022


Updated: Sep 29, 2023

"Another ore addon..?"

Well, yea! Yet, this one is unique. This one doesn't just add Armor and tools! It even adds special and distinctive uses to each of its 27 Ores!

But not just ores, Crystals, or even Alloys are also here!

Therefore I hope you enjoy this addon!

First of all, here are the Credits:
💫Star Origins💫 (Helping with improving the Maganese Textures)

HaxTheCharizard (Making Francium Concept also helped me with the thumbnail and yes I know Concept is spelled wrong)


I will NOT Explain what each Element's uses are, where to find them, and what each Tool's Durability is, why you may ask?
That is because every Element already explains what it can do and where it's found!
All Tools and Armor Pieces also show their Durability!

It also shows the properties of the Golem if that element has it

Even if it only has one use, it still shows it

Overworld Elements:



(all other Overworld ores in (M)ore are in the Spoiler)


(all other Nether ores in (M)ore are in the Spoiler)




(all other Alloys in (M)ore are in the Spoiler)



(all other Crystals in (M)ore are in the Spoiler)


(all other things in (M)ore are in the Spoiler)

And that is about it!

(M)ore is probably one of the only addons I am happy with since it's not like other Ore addons or mods.
I hope you will enjoy it!

This Addon is Compatible with the following addons (Aka interacts with it):

Yes yes, another Ore Trees addon!
But.. this one is pretty special
!This Ores addon doesn't just add the Vanilla ore trees.
This addon is also compatible with other "ore" addons like (M)ore!
Hope you enjoy it!
